Fender Amp: Bassman 50 Top BLONDE + Tremolux Cab 2 x 10 BLONDE tolex. 1963..
6G6B model.
Sounds great! Fully serviced and ready to be played for many years!
Original Blonde tolex, smooth version on both top and speaker cab.
Original choketrafo marked 6307 = week 7 year 1963.
Original OT (Output-transformer) marked 6337 = week 37 year 1963.
Original Swedish Hagström Transformer.
S-marked (= originally sold in Sweden)
Nice strong tubes: 2 x 5881 matched from Ruby, 4 x 12AX7 Ruby and Sovtek.
Most capacitors original, only 4 newer 25/25volt for best performance.
Newer bias cap = more stable bias (=good).
All 6 filtercaps exchanged year 1998 with fresh 22/500volt Ruby (=stong sounds and low noise).
Stamped 2 times with TC3963 on inside of amp = week 39 year 1963.
MI on sticker = sep year 1963.
Great vintage sounds!!
Original 2 x 10 inch speaker cab with smooth blonde tolex - orig speakers and sounds great..